Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hands Sanitizer: Does it really protect you?

Hand Sanitizer, it's in every class room, but does it really do the job?

Yes, studies show if you use hand sanitizer the correct way it will work against the germs!

This website says that hand sanitizers are effective against both bacteria and viruses but you must cover your entire hands and let it dry first!

Although hand sanitizers are an easy way to fight viruses, studies show washing your hands is still more affective.

Why's that?

Washing your hands is more affective because you are physically scrubbing the germs away instead of letting the hand sanitizer deactivate the germs. Remember to scrub for 20 seconds!

Carrying hand sanitizer will keep your family healthy, but just remember everything you touch has germs so be careful and stay healthy!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Goble! Goble!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Have a wonderful day and remember Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate family, friends and eating!

Have a fantastic thanksgiving and don't over eat too much!

Remember to relax and enjoy everything and everyone you are thankful for!

Successful healthy Tips for the holiday!

I have to run and catch the end of the Macy's Day Parade, Happy thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nitendo Wii Fitness = Actual Workout

It's that time of year again!

Thinking of exciting new christmas presents for your children?

The Nintendo Wii Fitness is not only fun for your child but its also fun for your entire family, keeping everyone in shape too!

On this website it talks about studies done by researchers that this new active game can be an actual workout!

The best part of the video game is it is filled with variety of games the keep children off that couch!

This game can be found in local stores such as Target, Walmart, and Best Buy for only $99.

Find out more about this game at Wii Fit!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Six Pack Attack

Have you ever dreamed of six pack abs or at least a core that is in shape?

Try these six exercises that can change up your workout making it more efficient!

These easy exercises along with normal workouts can add to a successful core with out a crunch!

On this website, it gives more information about theses six exercise!

1. The Renegade Row
This exercise helps contract your abdominal
muscles while you are balancing your upper body!

2. Raised-Leg Single-Leg Squat
This exercise works your abdominal muscles while balancing on one leg!

3. Side Leg Raises
Spice up your workout by doing single leg raises while in a plank!

4.Cable Woodchoppers
This exercise gives results to both your shoulder and abdominal muscles while working with a cable machine!

5. Lunge With Ball Pass-off
Perform this with a partner to excel to the best of your ability! This exercise requires twisting to the side and handing off the ball to your partner, it works your abdominal to reach your final goal!

6. Jack-Knife
This exercise requires an exercise ball and extreme balancing while placing your elbows on bench and feet on a ball!

So what does this have to do with healthy living?

Having a six pack may be a dream for some but keeping in shape is just as good as a goal!
Local gyms offer classes and training sessions to keep in shape! Some Local gyms around are xsport, Lifetime fitness, and Gold's Gym.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Teens new obsession: Texting

It may seem to most people(teens in particular) texting is easier or preferred than talking on the phone, but recent studies have shown texting has many disadvantages.

On this website it states that a new study shows texting can increase the risks of neck or shoulder pain.

Why's this?
This study has shown that the way your body is positioned while moving your fingers increases neck and shoulder pain.

Many students are being tested and the results are coming in; showing texting is the cause to the new pain in the neck.

This study is just beginning and further research needs to be done but just remember your health is more important than the juicy gossip flashing on the screen.


Did you know that walking has more benefits than just the ordinary benefit of burning calories?

Recent Studies have found that older women who walk regularly will be less prone to memory loss.

On this website it says for every extra mile walked per week, there was a a 13 percent less chance of cognitive decline.

Is this just affecting older women or can anyone increase their chances of being less prone to memory loss?

No! this is not just affecting older women any one can can receive these benefit from walking more.
So, what know?
Go out and start walking! Start forming weekly walking group or take an extra lap around the mall before shopping, it will bring joy and plenty of benefits in your life!

Don't forget to buy a pedometer! It helps encourage you to keep walking!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Stress, we all experience it but have you ever thought little bursts of stress can help your health.

Studies have shown occasional stress filled situations such as public speaking or cramming for an exam - can be good for your health.

Their are two types of stress. There are both good and bad kind of stresses.

The bad kind of stress is stress that takes over much of your life and is prolonged. Examples of bad stress is loosing a job, divorce, sickness, etc.

The good kind of stress is short lived stresses. These good stresses can lead to a strong fight against the flu, reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

On this website it states it is possible that low intensity stress could actually help extend your life time. The short bursts of stress help put people in repair mode, helping them live longer.

So, what does this have to do with health?

Keeping your body stress free, is an ultimate dream but a little bit of intense stress can help a person live a long healthy life. So relax take a deep breath and live your life to the fulliest!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


OINK. OINK. The common question rolling around this week is whether to recieve the swine flu vaccine.

In this year alone reports predict 30,000- 90,000 H1N1 virus deaths.

Studies show that the swine flu vaccine is highly recommended for target groups. The only problem is the vaccine is struggling to meet demands.

On this website it states the target groups are pregnant women, people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age, healthcare and emergency medical services personnel, persons between the age of 6 months and 24 years old, and people ages of 25 through 64 years of age who are at higher risk for 2009 H1N1 because of chronic health disorders or compromised immune systems.

The advantages of receiving the H1NI influenza Vaccine is preventing this severe flu. Receiving the vaccine can help prevent being out of work or school for a week.

The disadvantages of recieving this vaccine are side affects such as soreness, redness, and headaches. Many americans believe you should fight off virus without vaccines but studies have shown this virus is very contagious and we do not have natural immunity.

Receiving the vaccine is a personal optional but always be sure to wash your hands and stay healthy!
For additional information on the swine flu please visit these websites: Swine, H1N1, Vaccine, and Swine Flu Info.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Is too much sleep on weekends making you more tired?

On average an American should receive 8-9 hours of sleep a night, but with busy schedules that just never seems possible.

Most Americans receive 5-6 hours of sleep on weekdays and then try to catch up on weekends.

Studies have shown however people are more tired when they sleep for extensive hours. On this website it shows how people have received 12 hours of sleep and still feel groggy.

Why is this? Dr. Lisa Shives, medical director at Northshore Sleep Medicine in Evanston, Illinois reports this is known as sleep drunkenness.

Sleep drunkenness is when a person hovers between sleep and wakefulness. This is caused when a person receives extensive hours of sleep.

Why is this related to healthy living? This is related to healthy living because sleep is a very important part of out daily lives. Its just finding the correct amount of sleep your body needs a night that becomes the challenge.