Sunday, December 13, 2009

25 Healthy Living Tips for Christmas!

I was searching the web for blog ideas when I came across this adorable dog.

It got me thinking and I decided to find christmas healthy living tips!

Luckily I found this website. On this website it gives 25 healthy living tip!

We all have many stresses during the holiday season and staying healthy always seems to fall under the carpet.

So, here are 25 easy tips for staying healthy this holiday!

These tips all fall under the three categories of living healthy. (Mind, Body Soul)

1. Spend some time alone
2. Avoid unnecessary travel
3. Watch Anger
4. Don't overspend
5. Allow someone to help you
6. Balance work, play and family life
7. Be creative
8. SMILE :)

9. Watch your weight
10. Drop caffeine and soda
11. Use locally grown ingredients
12. Drink plenty of water
13. Keep your body moving
14. Wash your hands often!
15. Stay Warm
16. Travel safely
17. Treat yourself to a massage

18. Volunteer
19. Count your blessings
20. Forget comparisons
21. Let go of expectations
22. Make your heart bigger
23. Let go of the need to control
24. Think of others first
25. Forgive and forget!!

These 25 tips are greater explained on this website, just remember to stay healthy!

God Bless and Merry Christmas!
Wishing you a very enjoyable and relaxing holiday season!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Exercise: Helps reduce aging!

New Study: Physical Exercise can help prevent people from aging.

Scientist have found that physical exercise can keep our circulation system healthier and keep us living longer!

On this website is a video that explains the new research.

This video explains how long term exercising is showing to have many benefits.

This relates to healthy living in all families because know matter how old or young people can get involve with long term exercise giving them many benifits!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Flu and cold season is here!

Tis the season of coughing and stuffy noses!

This morning I woke up with a horrible cough and very congested nose. I decided to do some research on how to prevent and boost my immune system.

I found this website with 9 ways to boost my immune system.

The 9 ways are massage, relax, listen to music, laugh, SLEEP, exercise, drink lots of water, and eat healthy!

These 9 ways are all easy everyday ways to boost your immune system and keep your family healthy during the holiday season!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Beat the holiday weight gain with 6 easy tips!

HO! HO! HO! The holidays are right around the corner and the worry of weight gain is approaching!

Holiday are filled with delicious treats and fun at every party, but how do you control your intake of food?

On this website I found six tips to help beat the holiday pounds.

The first tip is think positive if you believe your going to gain weight you will, but if you think positive you wont! It's a mind game.

The second tip is think about how you will feel tomorrow. Don't over eat or be obsessive on how much to eat!
The third tip is allow yourself to eat the special once a year treats occasionally! Figure out how you can control your around the clock craving by limiting it to occasionally.

The fourth tip is don't eat left overs for more than one day. Send guest home with the extras and leave yourself one day worth of leftovers. It will help from gaining the extra pounds!

The fifth tip is say no to the extra food. When out at a party control the excessive eating by just having one bite!

The six tip is keep the healthy eating under control. Don't splurge one day because you know your not eating the food for awaile!

Good luck this holiday season and remember to stay healthy and wash your hands frequently!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Hands Sanitizer: Does it really protect you?

Hand Sanitizer, it's in every class room, but does it really do the job?

Yes, studies show if you use hand sanitizer the correct way it will work against the germs!

This website says that hand sanitizers are effective against both bacteria and viruses but you must cover your entire hands and let it dry first!

Although hand sanitizers are an easy way to fight viruses, studies show washing your hands is still more affective.

Why's that?

Washing your hands is more affective because you are physically scrubbing the germs away instead of letting the hand sanitizer deactivate the germs. Remember to scrub for 20 seconds!

Carrying hand sanitizer will keep your family healthy, but just remember everything you touch has germs so be careful and stay healthy!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Goble! Goble!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Have a wonderful day and remember Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate family, friends and eating!

Have a fantastic thanksgiving and don't over eat too much!

Remember to relax and enjoy everything and everyone you are thankful for!

Successful healthy Tips for the holiday!

I have to run and catch the end of the Macy's Day Parade, Happy thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nitendo Wii Fitness = Actual Workout

It's that time of year again!

Thinking of exciting new christmas presents for your children?

The Nintendo Wii Fitness is not only fun for your child but its also fun for your entire family, keeping everyone in shape too!

On this website it talks about studies done by researchers that this new active game can be an actual workout!

The best part of the video game is it is filled with variety of games the keep children off that couch!

This game can be found in local stores such as Target, Walmart, and Best Buy for only $99.

Find out more about this game at Wii Fit!