Saturday, December 5, 2009

Beat the holiday weight gain with 6 easy tips!

HO! HO! HO! The holidays are right around the corner and the worry of weight gain is approaching!

Holiday are filled with delicious treats and fun at every party, but how do you control your intake of food?

On this website I found six tips to help beat the holiday pounds.

The first tip is think positive if you believe your going to gain weight you will, but if you think positive you wont! It's a mind game.

The second tip is think about how you will feel tomorrow. Don't over eat or be obsessive on how much to eat!
The third tip is allow yourself to eat the special once a year treats occasionally! Figure out how you can control your around the clock craving by limiting it to occasionally.

The fourth tip is don't eat left overs for more than one day. Send guest home with the extras and leave yourself one day worth of leftovers. It will help from gaining the extra pounds!

The fifth tip is say no to the extra food. When out at a party control the excessive eating by just having one bite!

The six tip is keep the healthy eating under control. Don't splurge one day because you know your not eating the food for awaile!

Good luck this holiday season and remember to stay healthy and wash your hands frequently!!


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